
Mark Tamplin is an international expert in food safety with over 35-years of experience in preventing foodborne illness and food spoilage. He lives near Atlanta.

Mark is Professor of Microbiology in the Australia’s Tasmania Institute of Agriculture, where he led the Food Safety Centre from 2006-2017.

Prior to that, he worked for the US Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, managing the Pathogen Modelling Program. He was also Associate Professor with the University of Florida, and a researcher with the US Food & Drug Administration and University of Maryland.

Mark is also co-founder of ComBase, the world’s largest database of microbial responses to food environments. He recently introduced CB Premium, a repository of predictive models specifically for commercial foods.

Mark holds a PhD in Medical Sciences, specializing in Medical Microbiology & Immunology. His service includes Fellow with Food Standards Australia New Zealand, the USA National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods, the World Health Organization and the Food & Agricultural Organization.

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